Two MPS Alums Honored by Clemson

Two MPS alumni from the Class of 2016 were recognized at the Clemson College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences' Honors & Awards ceremony this spring.
- Daniel Nichols won the Western South Carolina Section AIChE Scholastic Achievement Award, which is presented by the regional section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers to the graduating senior in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with the highest scholastic average.

- Amanda Beall won the Blue Key Academic and Leadership Award, which is given to one student in each of the seven colleges at the university who has distinguished himself or herself in academic scholarship and campus leadership.

Congratulations and well done to these impressive Knights!
Mason Preparatory School is committed to the education of the whole child in preparation for secondary education through the cultivation of respect, integrity, and personal responsibility within a nurturing environment that results in a productive citizen of a global community.