Student Life

Beyond the Classroom

While foundations for learning are built in our classrooms, experiences outside of the classroom are essential to a rich education.
Mason Prep supports its academic curriculum with programs and activities that promote leadership, character, health, and dedication to community. Students of all ages are encouraged to participate in school activities beyond the classroom.

A few of the programs and activities offered outside of the classroom include:

List of 4 items.

  • Community Service

    Combining academic lessons with service, students engage in projects that reach other people and care for the environment, both locally and globally. Students are able to take classroom lessons and apply them to real-world problem solving. For example, 6th graders learn about water scarcity around the world in history class and are able to participate in Water Mission's Walk for Water.
  • Academic Enrichment

    An in-house TV station, field trips, author visits, speakers, and performances are just a few of the academic enrichment activities at Mason Prep.
  • Athletics

    The athletics program at Mason Prep teaches fundamental skills to younger children and then builds on those skills at appropriate age levels. Athletic teams are offered in grades 4-8 and include: Volleyball, Basketball, Tennis, and Baseball.
  • Mason Prep City Council

    The City Council is modeled after a city government and provides opportunities for leadership and community service. The City Council also lets students experience an elections process.
Mason Preparatory School is committed to the education of the whole child in preparation for secondary education through the cultivation of respect, integrity, and personal responsibility within a nurturing environment that results in a productive citizen of a global community.