
Technology & Media Center

Developing Skills Across Multiple Platforms

Mason Prep's technology curriculum develops skills across multiple platforms, with an emphasis on those tools used for researching, organizing, and presenting ideas. Each student has technology class at least once per week, and students are exposed to both Windows and iOS operating systems as they move through the grades.

Our Resources

Instructional Focus

List of 3 items.

Mason Prep is a school of readers, and a love of reading is something Mason Prep works very hard to develop in our students.

Media Center

For kindergarten through fifth grades, each homeroom visits the Media Center once per week to learn media literacy skills. The upper school students, faculty, and others may come to the Media Center throughout the day for individual checkouts, Accelerated Reader program quizzes, and research.

The Media Center houses a vast collection books as well as a variety of databases, periodicals, and non-printed resources. Students and faculty can access the library catalog from anywhere in the school for research. Other activities such as the in-school television program (KNI-TV), authors' visits, and the Accelerated Reader Program are sponsored by the Media Center.
Mason Preparatory School is committed to the education of the whole child in preparation for secondary education through the cultivation of respect, integrity, and personal responsibility within a nurturing environment that results in a productive citizen of a global community.