Mason Prep Awarded SCISA STEM Certification

SCISA (South Carolina Independent School Association) has awarded Mason Prep the SCISA STEM Certification MPS is the ONLY school in Charleston to have earned this prestigious recognition.
SCISA representatives visited our school to see classes in action. They also talked with administrators and teachers to learn about our InDI program and to ensure that MPS meets the SCISA STEM Standards, which include:
  • Students work independently and collaboratively in an inquiry-based learning environment that encourages finding creative solutions to authentic and complex problems.
  • Students are empowered to personalize and self-direct their STEM learning experiences supported by STEM educators who facilitate their learning.
  • Students use technology resources to conduct research, demonstrate creative and critical thinking, and communicate and work collaboratively.
  • Students demonstrate their learning through performance-based assessments and express their conclusions through elaborated explanations of their thinking.

  • STEM educators collaborate as an interdisciplinary team to plan, implement, and improve integrated STEM learning experiences.
  • STEM teachers and leaders participate in a continuous program of STEM-specific professional learning.
  • STEM teachers will be required to turn in 2 units for examples with three activities/lesson plans to show evidence of STEM/STEAM in the classroom.  A total of 6 activities must be outlined.

  • Students are supported in their STEM learning through adult-world connections and extended classroom opportunities.
  • Students are involved in a minimum of two STEM projects per semester per STEM subject.
Mason Prep's InDI program is our own version of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). InDI stands for "Innovation and Design Initiative." As STEM learning continues to be integral to a well-rounded education, our emphasis on STEM has grown beyond incorporating it into classroom lessons to making it its own dedicated class period. All grade levels participate in InDI, and students learn not only about science, but also problem solving, teamwork skills, and more. You can read more about InDI here
Mason Preparatory School is committed to the education of the whole child in preparation for secondary education through the cultivation of respect, integrity, and personal responsibility within a nurturing environment that results in a productive citizen of a global community.